As a development practitioner with over 24 years of experience, Hassan Imam currently works as the Managing Director of Center for Development Communications, DEVCOM Ltd. He has worked with a number of NGOs and INGOs in the past, while also providing independent consultancy services.
His area of skills and expertise include Strategic Planning, Program Planning & Management, Organizational Development & Sustainability Planning, Training, Workshop & Capacity Building, Social & Behavior Change Communications (SBCC), Research & Evaluation, Advocacy & Networking, and Partnership Management & Media Relations. His expertise on thematic areas involve Migration & Development, Human Trafficking, Public Health, Social Enterprise Development, Life Skills, Human Rights, Youth & Volunteer Development and Gender & Women Empowerment.
Over the past 24 years, he has worked with the Government of Bangladesh, UN Agencies, Donor Agencies, as well as a number of INGOs and NGOs, including International Organization for Migration (IOM), International Labor Organization (ILO), Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation (SDC), United Nations Develop Program (UNDP), UN Women, Save the Children, CARE Bangladesh, Helvetas Bangladesh, World Vision Bangladesh and Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF) among others.
In the recent past, he has worked with BRAC, serving as the Head of Migration Program. He also worked for the Advocacy department of BRAC, as well as with CARE Bangladesh, HASAB, (HIV AIDS and STD Alliance Bangladesh), John Hopkins University-Center for Communication Program (JHU-CCP) and BCCP (Bangladesh Center for Communication Program). His development journey started with SHISUK in 1996, a national NGO who initiated safe migration intervention in Bangladesh. In SHISUK, he worked as Program Coordinator and also led development of a model for Community based Social Enterprise successfully.
He is the Member of Migration Health and Development Research Initiative (MHADRI), International Organization for Migration (IOM), Member of Bangladesh Civil Society on Migration (BCSM) and former President and member of National Alliance for Migrants’ Rights in Bangladesh (2015-2017).

Bibhuti Bista has 15 years of experience working in the development sector and is a seasoned professional. He has worked with Non-Governmental Organizations, International Non-Governmental Organizations, Universities, and as an independent researcher and consultant.
Over the years he has developed skills in organization and financial management, program/project design and implementation, research, strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation, survey, use of participatory tools, SWOT analysis of project/program, situation analysis, needs assessment, donor relations. He has sound knowledge in DRR, Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC), peacebuilding, children and youth, GESI, alternative energy, education, trafficking, key population (MSM and TG), child rights, migration, revolving funds, community development, natural resource management and climate change, WASH, solid waste management.
He has worked with Spiny Babbler, Nepal Biogas Promotion Association (NBPA), The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Search for Common Ground (SFCG), Terre des hommes (Tdh). Similarly, he has worked with Åbo Akademi University (Finland), Griffith University (Australia) and University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong).
He has also provided consultancy services to both national and international organizations like – WWF, We World Onlus, VSO, NYF, Stromme Foundation, DCA, SC, UMN, Practical Action, GNI, JICA, UNWOMEN, APEIRON, Utviklingsfondet, Back to Life, Oxfam, CARE, PHASE, AWO Intl, UNDP/UNPFN. As an international consultant, he had led the team for assignments in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Cambodia.
Bibhuti is from Kathmandu, Nepal, and had completed his Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science (Hons.) from Kathmandu University in 2003 and a Masters in Social Sciences (Sociology) in 2005 from Sagarmatha Multiple College.

Shamima Parvin has been working in the development sector for more than ten years. She has sound understanding of capacity building and training and research. She carries extensive experience on training facilitation, module development and designing, and has conducted a wide series of trainings with NGOs, Government officials and other stakeholders. She has also assisted a number of research works including direct affiliation with many, where she facilitated research coordination, and training. She started her carrier as a Research Assistant with other Independent Consultants and later joined in UNDP (United Nations Development Program) in 2007 as a Research Assistant under A2i project where her main responsibilities were to gather field level data, followed by analyzing and reporting them. Besides the development field, Shamima also brings experiences from academia, being in the teaching profession in a number of renowned schools where she also worked as counselor to deal with child psychology.
Currently she is working with DEVCOM as a Coordinator. She started working with DEVCOM in 2015 and has been a core team player, ensuring cooperation with development partners ever since.

Ms Rehana Yesmin, has been working in the development sector for 15 years with her prime focus on promoting rights of the destitute women and fostering community and organization to develop women leaders for a world with aspiration, dignity and pace. She has implemented a project titled “Women in factories initiative” on economic empowerment for the workforce and initiated a process to establish decent work indicators for factories in Dhaka, Gazipur, and Chittagong in her work at CARE Bangladesh. She has established community-based training centers for the youth to ensure sustainable livelihood opportunities and entrepreneurship through functional education, skill development, vocational training and job placement initiative for waged children of Gazipur City Cooperation. This has helped them to reduce their vulnerability to exploitation, and to exercise a greater control over their lives, uphold right and become a good citizen.
Training Need Assessment (TNA), Module Development on functional literacy, numeracy, life skill and vocational training for working children, workers of RMG sector, and sex workers are some of her areas of expertise. She poses sound understanding about participatory techniques of training Gender and Women Empowerment, Personal Finance, Problem Solving, Decision Making, and Goal Setting, Legal Empowerment, Self-Management and Leadership Psychosocial support and Counseling. She also provided TOT to the INGOs, PNGOs, Peer Facilitators and factory managers. She has conducted training for police, lawyers, journalist, senior factory management, and humanitarian activists and INGO staffs. She has also facilitated round table meetings for Donors, Buyers, BGMEA, and Senior Factory Management.

More than 08 years of experience in public health covering research, training, program implementation and clinical services. Worked for ICDDR,B, Action Against Hunger, Hope Foundation, International Rescue Committee and Marie Stopes. Experienced in managing capacity development activities for both government health service providers and NGO clinic providers by organizing formal training and on-job mentoring. Worked closely with NGO partners as well as government and private institutions. Skilled in documentation, report writing and preparing routine periodic data. Experienced in developing protocols and case report forms to provide adequate efficacy and safety information for phases 1 to 3 of clinical trials.
Experienced in managing clinic services at Rohingya Camp. Worked for two clinical trials at ICDDR,B (maternal vitamin D for infant growth, and related to IPV). Experienced in maintaining liaison with government, partners, and donors. Worked as a Technical Specialist- quality assurance of Comprehensive HIV Prevention project funded by Global Fund with key responsibilities to lead 25 clinics across the country to ensure quality of services. Fast learner with strong problem-solving capabilities. Able to work both as a team member as well as independently. Visited, stationed and worked at numerous district hospitals, UHC and UHFWC. Worked closely with both DGHS & DGFP.
Currently she is working with DEVCOM as a Coordinator. She started working with DEVCOM in 2021 to strengthen the public health system.

As a Program Officer, Rafiqul Islam plays a vital role in overseeing DEVCOM’s research program development. Starting from contributing in the planning and execution phase of the researches, his assistance includes organizing trainings, responsible for managing, analyzing and maintaining the database essential for our groundwork. He brings in competence of qualitative and quantitative analysis from the fields of health and migration as well. As a graduate in Anthropology, he has a great deal of knowledge on diverse social issues as well as practical experience in research. Earlier he worked with ICDDR,B as a Field Manager. He is proficient in STATA, Atlas.Ti in spreadsheets and analysis.

Israt Jahan Nisha has six years of working experience in different phases of official and field work related to research. She has been working in DEVCOM for last three years as Research Officer. She has in-depth knowledge about various data collection methods, data cleaning, qualitative data analysis, proposal writing, drafting different documents and other research related activities. She has successfully coordinated and implemented varied project activities, monitored and evaluated the progress on achievements. Maintaining proper documentation (both hardcopy and softcopy) of project activities. She has skills in providing administrative and logistical support. She has experience of working at a Government led private project of ICT ministry, where she worked as a Research Assistant, where she was involved in collecting secondary data collection, followed by creating several concept papers and reporting.

Yushra Mariam Jeehan outlines, plans, and executes various research protocols as an integral arm of DEVCOM’s research program development. She had long had a personal affinity for the development field and subsequently accumulated 2 years of experience working in it. As a program officer, she has been specifically involved in observational studies regarding gender and migrant issues both abroad and at home. She also engages in developing communication materials once research begins to take shape.