Thematic Areas

Migration & Combatting Trafficking
In a world ever so connected, migration is no longer an age-old phenomenon. With increasing mobility, migration has fast become an aspect that touches all human lives, states and countries. For Bangladesh, migration represents one of the strongest backbones to the development of the nation. A country that is rich in human resource, overseas migration has served for providing solutions for unemployment and creating opportunities for increasing foreign reserve for the Nation through the massive inflows of remittance sent by overseas workers. With more than 11 million employed over the decades across various Countries of Destinations (CoD), overseas migration has not only benefitted the country with GDP growth, but has also provided with socioeconomic development for migrants’ families. However, as there still appears several areas that require immediate attention, such as ensuring safe and informed migration, developing skilled migration practices, addressing and advocating for migrant workers’ rights and the welfare of their families, as well as reintegration-aspects, DEVCOM, since its inception, has been working extensively and intensively in the area of migration in Bangladesh and has conducted several research works through its Experts in cross-cutting migration related issues such as ethical recruitment practices, skills development and training.

While human trafficking is a global crisis that affects all countries and states, Bangladesh is no different in falling victim to this heinous crime’s reach. It is unfortunate that human trafficking in Bangladesh is also elicited through ‘labor trafficking’ trends, and for that, DEVCOM works with its development partners in the areas of advocacy and raising awareness to combat human trafficking.

Climate Change and Climate-Induced Migration
Climate change affects every country, on every continent. It is a global challenge that does not respect any borders. It affects nations, economies, lives, people and communities. The poorest and most vulnerable people are affected the most. As weather patterns change and sea levels rise, combined with the impacts of greenhouse and carbon emissions, it is fast becoming an issue that requires solutions now. Affordable, scalable solutions are now available to enable counties to leapfrog to cleaner and resilient economies. DEVCOM’s focus on Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability, centers on the people it impacts, with an added emphasis on Internal Migrants and Displaced Population.

Human Rights
With the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), development practitioners and partners have long been striving for the protection of human rights all across the globe to reduce discrimination and inequalities. Although the Government of Bangladesh is committed to ensuring the rights of all its citizens, since ensuring Human Rights is enshrined as fundamental rights in Part III of the Constitution of Bangladesh, there is still much to be done. Therefore, Civil Societies, UN Agencies and other development partners are promoting human rights awareness and education, including capacitating all actors in their aspects of upholding and protecting human rights. However, ensuring basic Human Rights for all takes more than just advocating for Human Rights as the concept is an integral cross-cutting component across all development goals and agendas. We believe in the Principles declared for Human Rights such as Universality and Inalienability, Indivisibility, Interdependence and Interrelatedness, Equality and Non-discrimination, Participation and Inclusion, and Accountability and Rule of Law and assist our partners with advocating for raising awareness and education on Human Rights.

Public Health
With the passing of the Millennium Development Goals, Bangladesh has seen to achieve success amongst a considerable number of indicators and targets set by the MDGs. Carrying on to the Sustainable Development Goals 2030, Bangladesh is still yet to overcome certain challenges in the health sector. While Bangladesh has seen reduction in communicable diseases, there appears to be rise in non-communicable disease burdens. Along with structural and societal challenges in the way of carrying out health interventions, Bangladesh needs to advocate for awareness raising, access to need-based service delivery, and social and behavior change communications. DEVCOM focuses keenly on certain areas of health such as Nutrition, Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights, HIV AIDS, Mental Health through capacity building, research, program planning, communications and innovation.

Gender Equality and Women Empowerment
For Bangladesh to meet its aspirations of inclusivity and sustainability in all facets of development, ensuring gender equality and women’s empowerment is imperative. Gender equality needs to be pursued in its own right for a just and equal society, and for better development outcomes - inclusive growth, faster poverty reduction and Sustainable Development Goals. As the population census of 2016 stated that female population in Bangladesh was 49.56%, it is still a reality that women in Bangladesh’s ability to participate in all aspects of society is often limited due to discrimination, societal restrictions, and a lack of access to education and job opportunities. DEVCOM realizes and recognizes women’s need for opportunities to learn, work, contribute and earn – otherwise, the potential that the entire nation can achieve in totality can never truly be accomplished. DEVCOM advocates and promotes for gender rights in all its virtue and has an excellent group of people, all likeminded in the endeavor to achieve equality for all genders.

Economic Growth & Recovery
Economic growth has become one of the priority areas for the Bangladeshi state as it strives to declare Bangladesh a Middle Income Country by 2021. At the same time, it is important to be cognizant of the pitfalls of rampant growth, which occurs often at the back-ends of supply and value chains and results in lack of accountability and equity in the numbers posted by economic growth indicators such as the GDP. DEVCOM has staff with backgrounds in development economics, market economics, institutional and supply chain economics who are well placed to evaluate economic sectors, create market maps and find industry specific market and non-market solutions to tackle not only market distortions and failures but also the broader agenda of ensuring equitable economic growth for all members of society.

Skill and Youth Development
Some of the most significant challenges confronting youth around the world are unemployment, underemployment and expanding school-to-work transitions. Apart from the lack of adequate professional opportunities for the youth, the challenges also present imbalance in skill development, with an emphasis on the youth. Alongside policy responses to promote job creation for the youth, it is critical and vital to invest in skills development initiatives for employability and improved capacity of the youth in this ever-growing competitive world of employment. DEVCOM has been working in the frontiers of development research in the aspects of youth mobilization and skills development through assisting our partners and development players, while creating linkages with soft and hard skill development initiatives.

Peace, Justice and Governance
Sustainable development cannot be achieved without peace, justice and effective governance based on the rule of law. We live in a world that is increasingly connected, yet increasingly divided. While some enjoy peace and prosperity, others live in a state of constant conflict and violence. Chaos and conflict can have high levels of destructive impact on a country’s development, affecting economic growth, progress and ultimately, the ability to sustain. Where rule of law fails to prevail, sexual violence, crime, exploitation and torture are prevalent. In the face of such degradation, countries must take measures to protect those most at risk. DEVCOM works in this field of research and communications with the aim for collaboration with the Government and Communities to find prevention measures and lasting solutions. Strengthening the rule of law and promoting human rights is key to this process.


15/10, Floor: 3rd, Block: C, Tajmahal Road
Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh
Tel: [+88] 02-58153235