Program Development & Innovation

DEVCOM provides clients support with developing innovative concepts, ideas, and practices that stem from human-centered development approaches. We value innovation for sustainability and facilitate methodical approaches that generate powerful breakthroughs.

Needs Assessment: Our systematic approaches towards conducting needs assessment helps organizations determine and address the needs of the project participants. Our experts follow participatory processes for conducting needs assessment through the use of PRA (Participatory Rapid Appraisal), Community Mapping, Surveys and HCD (Human Centric Design) approaches.

Program and Project Planning: We assist clients and organizations with developing project proposals and concept notes through LFA (Logical Framework Approach) analysis and participatory budget preparation methods. Conceptualizing the needs of the key populations and the mandates of the development partners (DPs), our experts follow rigorous procedures for developing quality and technically sound programs and project proposals.

Knowledge Management (KM): We assist development organizations with Knowledge Management framework development based on organizational projects and programs. We train development workers to aptly capture information and knowledge to be able to analyze and share the learnings with their intended audiences. We also provide support for developing KM products for effective actions.

Training on Proposal Development: We provide training on proposal development. The training contents includes needs assessment, logical framework approaches, proposal writing guidelines, concept notes and writings, and participatory budget preparations.


15/10, Floor: 3rd, Block: C, Tajmahal Road
Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh
Tel: [+88] 02-58153235