Development Communications

We provide support to our clients with implementing practices of systematic processes required for programmatic and organizational communications. We also provide services for developing print and electronic media materials, as well as community mobilization tools.

Communication and Advocacy Strategy Development: One of the crucial and key services that DEVCOM provides its clients with is in the area of Communication and Advocacy. We provide support for designing advocacy plans, as well as conduct trainings and orientations on advocacy and strategic communications.

SBCC Material Development Process: We conduct message development workshops, strategic communication workshops and develop IEC/BCC materials including Audio-Visuals such as documentaries, portfolio videos, docudramas etc.

Branding and Positioning: We support in asserting your organization’s position in the current marketing world and help to set a brand value to your organization and the services you offer. We provide one-step-branding solution to make an organization’s work visible and cater to the attention of others.

Promotional Material Development: We offer a range of support in terms of developing promotional materials for campaigns on your projects, starting from thematic product development to executing event operations.

Newsletter, Publication and Policy Brief: Our range of services include content creation and curation (3C). Our creative content writing team has a comprehensive and highly experienced background in writing media resource materials for public and private organizations, starting from news organizations to advertising media-outlets. We provide support with designing and developing newsletters, policy briefs and other print or electronic publications on priority developmental issues.


15/10, Floor: 3rd, Block: C, Tajmahal Road
Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh
Tel: [+88] 02-58153235