Training of grievance management committee (GMC) chairs on access to justice (A2J) for migrant workers

DEVCOM has completed its three batches of training for the union parishad (UP) chairs who are the heads of GMC in their respective unions on access to justice for distressed migrant workers. The first batch took place on the 18th & 19th of October 2023 at Foy’s Lake Resort in Chattogram and the second and last batch took place on 28th to 30th October 2023 at CCULB Resort in Gazipur. Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation Bangladesh organized this capacity improvement workshop where the implementing partners Prottyashi, RMMRU, and OKUP supported in organizing. A total of 47 GMC chairs attended these training workshops in three batches. Each batch of training has been conducted for one and a half days. All three batches of training have been conducted through knowledge sharing on various topics and group work among the GMC chairs and implementing partner staff. The training aims to sensitize the GMC chairs so that they can positively contribute to protecting the rights of migrant workers and their family members. DEVCOM’s Managing Director Hassan Imam, Gender and Migration consultant named Ms. Sheepa Hafiza along with Senior Coordinator Shamima Parvin conducted these trainings.