Recent Crisis and the Urgency of the New Strategy for the NGOs in Bangladesh

During the past decades, the development agendas have shifted extensively, followed by the changing roles of donor agencies, which is not only trending in Bangladesh, but also transforming globally. The SDGs have made new targets for all the signatory countries, which needs to be achieved together by the Government of Bangladesh with the support of NGOs. With the growing crisis of displaced population from Myanmar, the humanitarian response by NGOs opened up a new era of interventions. On the other hand, with Bangladesh being declared a lower-middle income country, funding opportunities are shrinking rapidly. The recent (COVID-19) situation has created further crisis for the NGOs, thus gaping new opportunities These prospects need to be recognized by the NGO community leaders and utilized  to rethink their mandates, align new strategies with the current trend of development, explore funding opportunities, mobilize local resources and redesign business models through an innovative value chain development process. All the stakeholders will be urged to share their experiences in this session following the opinions of development experts.

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