Course-2: Training on Logical Framework Development
  Training Duration : 4 Days (12 Hours)     Training Time : 07:00 PM - 10:00 PM     Registration Fees:
  Date : March 19, 24, 27, 31, 2022               BDT. 2,000 only
  Registration Deadline : February 20, 2022      Venue : Online Virtual/ ZOOM     (Including VAT)
Why this Training?
This training course will increase the project designing and management capacity of the participants from the development sector, NGOs/INGOs, and individuals of national and local NGOs by improving their ability to develop a logical framework. It will help them develop an organizational plan for project design, identify strategies to reach the project goal, and monitor a project’s success while keeping external factors into account.
Major Objectives
  • To improve knowledge and understanding of logical framework analysis.
  • To enhance participant’s ability to design and implement strategies of a project.
  • To increase participant’s capability to monitor and evaluate a project.
  • To provide practical experience in developing a logical framework matrix.
Major Contents?
  • Preparatory steps of Logframe development
  • Different forms of Logframe
  • Logical framework matrix
  • Assumption and risk
  • Vertical and horizontal logic
  • Logic of goal, purpose, outcome, and output
  • Monitoring and evaluation using OVI and MoV
  • Planning for writing a winning proposal.
How will you get Benefit from this Training?
After participating in this training, you will be able to develop a logical framework for your programme or project in a participatory process, while engaging the managers and other team members of your organization. This course will teach you to develop Logframe and write proposals as per the requirements of different types of donor agencies.
Who can Participate?
Development workers/staff members of NGOs and young professionals, who wish to build their careers for resource mobilization, are the ideal participants for this training. Participants should have good skills in computer literacy. The participants should be familiar with operating e-mail accounts and online meeting platforms like Zoom.
How to Participate?
The training program will be conducted on Zoom cloud platform. It is better to join from a laptop or desktop with a microphone; however, if those are not available, you can join from a smart mobile phone.
Resource Persons:
Renowned development professionals/consultants from DEVCOM and international agencies
Course Coordinator:
Hassan Imam Shaon
Registration Process:
Please fill-up the google form: Registration Form and submit it
Hard copy of the certificate will be provided to each of the participant
Method of payment:
BKASH: (+88) 01712 616 926
Bank Transfer/ Deposit:
Account Number: 1543204503830001, Bank Name: BRAC Bank Limited
Branch: Mohammadpur SME Service Center, Routing no: 060263290
Contact for further Assistance:
Shamima Parvin
Phone: (+88) 01712 616926
Rafiqul Islam
Phone: (+88) 01750 679279


15/10, Floor: 3rd, Block: C, Tajmahal Road
Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh
Tel: [+88] 02-58153235