
Project: Workshop on Process Documentation
Client: PLAN International Bangladesh
Services: Workshop Planning and Facilitation, Workshop Reporting
Duration: January 2019

Strengthening Health Outcomes for Women and Children (SHOW) is a four and half years (2016–2020) multi-country project and is a gender-transformative initiative that aims to reduce maternal and child mortality amongst marginalized and vulnerable women by PLAN International. Following implementation of key interventions for the project in Bangladesh, DEVCOM facilitated a 2-day workshop for PLAN International Bangladesh to develop tools for conducting Process Documentation for the SHOW project. The learnings from the workshop assisted the project staff and key stakeholders to track significant events and achievements under the project in order to evaluate the processes that would contribute to paving paths for achieving wider development goals. 



15/10, Floor: 3rd, Block: C, Tajmahal Road
Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh
Tel: [+88] 02-58153235
Cell: [+88] 01938332788; 01711904451
E-Mail: devcom.bangladesh@gmail.com