
Project: Final Evaluation on Prohori: Combating Intimate Partner Violence in Bangladesh in the Context of COVID-19.
Partner: CARE-Bangladesh
Services: Project document review, Tools development for evaluation, Qualitative data collection, Field visit, Data Analysis, Report preparation, and submission.
Duration: March 2022 - June 2022

CARE Bangladesh has implemented a project named “Prohori” with a local partner organization Gram Bikash Kendra (GBK). The project duration was 12 months and was funded by Vital Voice, a development partner. The project was focused on preventing IPV (Intimate Partner Violence and responding to survivors through safe spaces, behavior change communication, and capacity-building initiatives that address gender norms and practices. The project has been implemented in Gazipur and Rangpur. DEVCOM was assigned to provide support to CARE Bangladesh to conduct the final evaluation of this project. As part of it, the following activities were conducted:

  1. Assessment of the objective-wise quantitative achievements and results of the project based on output and outcome indicators;
  2. Documentation of project outputs, outcomes, lessons learned, best practices, gaps, challenges, and recommendations for future programming.
  3. Capturing and documenting implementation learnings through creative robust evidence from a community perspective using qualitative methodology.




15/10, Floor: 3rd, Block: C, Tajmahal Road
Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh
Tel: [+88] 02-58153235
E-Mail: devcom.bangladesh@gmail.com