Project: Conduct Formative Research to Develop FSTIP’s SBCC Strategy, Media, and Materials.
Partner: Winrock International
Services: Document review, Tools development, Quantitative and qualitative data collection, Data analysis, Submission of the formative research report, Communication strategy development, Monitoring and evaluation plan development. Message development for communication materials.
Duration: March 2023 - June 2023
Winrock International has implemented the “Fight Slavery and Trafficking-in-Persons (FSTIP) activity” with the local partner organizations BSEHR, RDRS, Agrogoti Sangstha, OKUP, and BITA among others. This is a five-year project, that started its operation from July 2021 and is funded by United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The project wanted to conduct formative research to examine current social norms and behavioral drivers related to Trafficking-In-Persons (TIP) and Child Marriage (CM) for Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) strategy development including media and materials. DEVCOM was assigned to provide support to Winrock International to conduct the following activities:
- Collected qualitative and quantitative data from the selected project working areas to examine current social norms and behavioral drivers related to trafficking in persons and child marriage.
- Prepared a contextual analysis report including key behaviors towards TiP and CM to be promoted, identified the sources of received information, and attitudes towards these social issues.
- Developed an SBCC strategy including media and materials for USAID’s FSTIP Activity.
- The identified primary and supporting audience for the strategy, current behaviors, barriers to and facilitate improved behaviors, and information gaps.
- Developed M&E plan setting benchmarks establishing the success of the SBCC interventions.