Project: Facilitating training for chairs of the grievance management committees (GMCs).
Partner: Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation Bangladesh
Services: Needs assessment of UP chairs, Training outline development, Three batches of training conduction, and Training report submission.
Duration: August 2023 - November 2023
Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation Bangladesh with the technical assistance of DEVCOM has supported in assessing the needs of the knowledge of GMC chairs regarding human rights, migrants’ rights, and national-level instruments on migration. DEVCOM also supported providing training to the chairs of the grievance management committee (GMC), so that they can positively contribute to protecting the rights of migrant workers and their family members in different stages of migration. The GMCs have been formed to ensure justice for migrant workers and their family members, however, they were not able to provide the expected mediation support to the migrants and their family members, thus the needs for the training were realized. As part of the assignment, DEVCOM-
- Interviewed some of the GMC chairs and the implementing partners’ staff’ to identify gaps and needs of knowledge
- Conducted needs assessment of the knowledge level of GMC chairs on human rights and migration-related legislation.
- Developed outline and methodology of the training to be provided to the GMC chairs based on the needs identified.
- Provided three batches of training to the GMC chairs of three project areas (Chattogram, Narsingdi, and Cumilla).
- Submitted training report on the training provided.